Challenge Rules

Well, here is the information about the rules and the challenge that MCHope from the Netherlands has issued. She has started her end of the challenge and I feel a little bit behind. My computer was gone for two days and I wasn't to upload pictures to get things going. So here are the guidelines:

1. You need to take the photo that week. So no using archives.
2. And no putting yourself down or excusing yourself ;)
3. It needs be a typical you picture: showing your surroundings, atmosphere where you are, or something typical American. I do the same here.
4. Why not show the settings we've used too. That'll teach us (and others) a lot too.
5. Lets dare to comment on each other's photos both the positive and learning points!

I'm so excited to do this! It means I actually have an excuse to carry my camera around with me! With two rambunctious little boys though, this could be interesting.  I hope to post this week's surroundings by tomorrow.

As an example, I took these of the Mother's Day hanging basket my boys gave me. It was beautiful and I love plants and flowers, so they can't ever go wrong.

Nikon D7000 - Nikkor 18-135mm 5.6 - Manual - 1/125 - f/5 - ISO 400 - Handheld

What are some of your surroundings?


MaddyChristine Hope-Brokopp said...

Oh how wonderful you started now too. And no putting down... you are not behind. This is a challenge yes, but it should give you energy, it should be fun. The computer problems just delayed you, you're not behind. Think of it that way!

I am wondering why you shot with ISO 400? It's outside right? I usually use 200 when out during the day.

I love that your boys gave you this. Sweet. And it is your surroundings but this flower could be anywhere. Why not get your porch or house in the picture so I know where you are?

Good start! Love it! Have a blessed week!

Tasha said...

I wasn't putting down...I was stating facts.

The picture wasn't outside, it was inside. It was also a cloudy day. Hence the 400.

I'll do better about making sure there is something more of my surroundings included. although, you can see a tiny bit of my back door in the background. ;)

© Tasha Poulsen Photography