Late Week 2: Outside lately

Thank goodness for a husband who is familiar with a camera. I've been trenching lately, I never thought that I would be A. trenching, or B. picking rocks any time soon. Thing 2 fell asleep on my back even with the violent jerks of digging.  Nikon D7000 - Nikkor 18-135mm 5.6 - Manual - 1/250 - f/5 - ISO 100 - Husband handheld
We've been able to get outside for just a few short days and unfortunately I've had a cold that Thing 2 decided he wanted to share with me. So I pushed myself to go outside and play (work). We have been prepping our garden for planting and this seems to be the only time to get outside and take pictures as well.

Thing 1 is a fantastic helper and loves digging in the dirt. He's also a good hand shoveler thrower. He can throw a shovel and make the handle stick out of the ground. How many 3 and 1/2 year olds do you know that can do that? Nikon D7000 - Nikkor 18-135mm 5.6 - Manual - 1/320 - f/5.6 - ISO 100

After two days of hard work, we decided to relax and fly a kite. The following two images have the same settings. Nikon D7000 - Nikkor 18-135mm 5.6 - Manual - 1/250 - f/5.6 - ISO 100 - handheld

Thing 1 was so close to falling asleep in Daddy's arms. It was really cute.

Thing 2 has a nasty cold, so he stayed inside except for about the hour or so he was on my back in the first picture. So he got his own photo shoot, and I have to say I love that little boy. Hopefully, if it ever gets warm, I will do just a post of him and his beautiful blue eyes. Nikon D7000 - Nikkor 18-135mm 5.6 - Manual - 1/125 - f/4.5 - ISO 100 - handheld


MaddyChristine Hope-Brokopp said...

Feeling better?
I love that you have all that space to create a yard... planting vegetables?

© Tasha Poulsen Photography