Typical Surroundings

Because my friend in the Netherlands has decided to put rules on our little challenge ;), I guess this post doesn't count. Besides, this was supposed to be last week's post as part of the challenge. I'll post the details as to what our challenge is about shortly.

On Easter Sunday we gathered with my husband's and had a dinner to commemorate the wonderful yet horrible event that took place over 2000 years ago. We took some family pictures, and my brother-in-law's wife, L, brought this awesome kite. The kite is two meters long and is meant to be a trainer kite. "A trainer kite?" you may ask. There are kites that are 6 m., and I think she said 9 m. as well that come with harnesses so that you may be pulled by the wind on skis or some other sort of transportation. This is to help train you for the bigger ones. I don't know a whole lot, but I thought it to be really cool.

This is my Mother-in-Law and my oldest son (Thing 1 as he will be referred to). They enjoyed watching this enormous kite for about 20 minutes.

This is my handsome husband. I know you can't see him but that's okay, trust me, he's handsome. L let him have a try with the kite and it was definitely not as easy as she made it look. She made it look absolutely effortless.

Do you know how difficult it can be to get a shot you want of an individual flying a kite? Especially when all of the sudden the kite swoops in and out of the frame? Gaaaah! It was fun and a challenge.  These were my two favorites of L flying her kite.

My husband didn't grow up very far away from the Grand Tetons. It is definitely a gorgeous view if it's a clear day.

*Note: If the pictures look out of focus, don't worry they're not. I'm not sure why that is. Click on the image and you'll see that they're not.


MaddyChristine Hope-Brokopp said...

I still need to take my photos this week. But I am getting there. i have my Flickr account activated again and i had an appointment at the Photo Academy today. So... I am slowly getting back. The only needed now is for me to pick up my black baby!!

© Tasha Poulsen Photography