Wheeler Farm, Salt Lake City, UT: B Children Photographer

Alright, here are those adorable children's portraits I promised last week. We'll start with the oldest's portraits.

Here is a beautiful young woman, who is just as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. She loves her siblings and dotes on that baby sister of hers all the time.


Here's Brother! I was so close to cracking his smile in these two portraits, but he stifled them before he it appear! That's okay, I'll crack it one of these times!

Now this little lady isn't afraid to be herself! I love that you can totally see her personality, just through her posing!

This little girl can be quite goofy with her older sister and have just as much fun, but when you take her away from her older sister she becomes much quieter and very mild.

 Little Sister is a lot like her older brother, difficult to get to smile. I still got some awesome shots of her!

And we'll end with this adorable little baby girl! She was so happy!

I'll be you can't guess who she's smiling at?



© Tasha Poulsen Photography